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Oil Paintings
2021- 2023

Bebe Landers
Galleria de Artes

Casa De Landers
Aurora 51, 77110
San Miguel De Allende, GTO, Mexico

Recent Paintings

Bebe Landers paints captivating memories be it landscape, streetscape, portrait, or still life subjects.  The subtext  dynamice symmetry and sacred geometry, the variety of oil painting techniques, including palette knife, brushes, scrapers, and cloth bring forth the inner energy and life force of our shared experience. Her subjects are brought to life with rythmic lush brokestrokes, plays of intense darks and lights, rich in saturated colors that evoke your emotion and memory. The physicality of her brushwork and the richness of her hues evoke an inner sensuality and mystery, while her use of dramatic contrast and subtle tones bring a sense of joy to the viewer. Her paintings tell a story that unites the shared thrills of being human, the people, places, and times, and invites contemplation of the interlocked meanings they contain. Bebe's art is a luminous, mysterious, and thrilling experience that magically connects its viewers to the clarity and dazzle of these paintings.

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